Journal Papers

  1. Y. Hu, X. Zhang, H. Ding, Y. Hu, 2024, “Laser shock-enabled optical–thermal–mechanical coupled welding method for separated nanowire junctions”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 199, 104162,
  2. A. McKee, W. Huang, N. Shen, S. Mubeen, H. Ding, Fine-tuning syngas composition using laser surface modified silver electrode for CO2 electroreduction, Journal of Laser Applications 36 (2024). 
  3. W. Huang, B. Leister, N. Shen, A. Mckee, S. Mubeen, G. Bonheyo, A. Rohatgi, H. Ding, Enhancing corrosion resistance of lightweight metal alloys through laser shock peening, Journal of Laser Applications 36 (2024). 
  4. Benjamin Nelson, Wuji Huang, Ninggang Shen, Scott Shaw, Caterina Lamuta, and Hongtao Ding, 2024, “Evolving Surface Wettability in Laser-Powder Bed Fusion Printed Metal Parts,” Manufacturing Letters, SME, vol. 40, pp. 45–49. 
  5. X. Zhang, Y. He, S. Zhao, H. Ding, Y. Hu, 2023, “Innovative liquid metal strategy for real-time thermal control in additive manufacturing”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 322 (2023) 118166. 
  6. Mullennex, R., Huang, W., Harwood, C., Buchholz, J., and Ding, H., 2023, “Enhancing Control of Air Bubbles in Water Flows through Laser-Based Surface Wettability Patterning,” Journal of Laser Applications, 35 (4): 042070.
  7. Wuji Huang, Benjamin Nelson, and Hongtao Ding, 2023, “Surface Wettability Patterning of Metal Additive Manufactured Parts via Laser-Assisted Functionalization,” Journal of Laser Applications, 35 (4): 042067.
  8. Samanta, A., Huang, W., and Ding, H., 2023, “Efficient Fog Harvesting on Metal Surfaces with Venation-inspired Wetting Patterns Fabricated via Laser-based Maskless Approach,” Journal of Manufacturing Processes, SME, 98, pp. 351–356. 
  9. Samanta, A., Huang, W., Lee, K., He, X., Kumara, C., Qu, J., and Ding, H., 2023, “Role of Surface Wetting on Tribological Behavior for Laser Nanotextured Steel Using Ionic Liquid Lubricants,” Journal of Manufacturing Processes, SME, 95, pp. 302–311. 
  10. W. Huang, B. Nelson, S. Tian, R. Ordikhani-Seyedlar, R.C.Y. Auyeung, A. Samanta, H. Hu, S. Shaw, C. Lamuta, H. Ding, 2022, “Superhydrophobic surface processing for metal 3D printed parts”. Applied Materials Today. 29 (12), pp. 101630.
  11. Huang, W., Ordikhani-Seyedlar, R., Samanta, A., Shaw, S., and Ding, H, 2022, " Quantification of superhydrophobic functionalization for laser textured metal surfaces”, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 636(3), 128126. 
  12. Samanta, A., Huang, W., S. M. Sazzad Parveg, A., Kotak, P., C. Y. Auyeung, R., A. Charipar, N., K. Shaw, S., Ratner, A., Lamuta, C., and Ding, H., 2021, “Enabling Superhydrophobicity-Guided Superwicking in Metal Alloys via a Nanosecond Laser-Based Surface Treatment Method,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13(34), pp. 41209–41219. 
  13. Huang, W., Samanta, A., Chen, Y., Baek, S., Shaw, S., and Ding, H., 2021, “Machine Learning Model for Understanding Laser Superhydrophobic Surface Functionalization,” Journal of Manufacturing Processes, SME, 69, pp. 491–502. 
  14. Samanta, A., Huang, W., Bell, M., Shaw, S., Charipar, N., and Ding, H, 2021, "Large-Area Surface Wettability Patterning of Metal Alloys via a Maskless Laser-Assisted Functionalization Method”, Applied Surface Science, 568(12), p. 150788.
  15. Jana, S., Olszta, M., Edwards, D., Engelhard, M., Samanta, A., Ding, H., Murkute, P., Isgor, O. B., and Rohatgi, A., 2021, "Microstructural Basis for Improved Corrosion Resistance of Laser Surface Processed AZ31 Mg Alloy," Corrosion Science, 191, p. 109707.
  16. Mckee, A., Samanta, A., Rassoolkhani, A., Koonce, J., Huang, W., Fields, J., Shaw, S., Gomes, J., Ding, H., and Mubeen, S., 2021, "Effect of Silver Electrode Wetting State on Oxygen Reduction Electrochemistry," Chemical Communications (ChemComm), Royal Society of Chemistry, 5, p. 11. 
  17. Song, H., Li, M., Wang, M., Wu, B., Liu, Z., Ding, H., and Liu, W., 2021, " Preliminary Experimental Study of Warm Ultrasonic Impact-assisted Laser Metal Deposition," Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 143(7), p. 074501. DOI: 
  18. N. Shen, A. Samanta, W.W. Cai, T. Rinker, B. Carlson, H. Ding2021, "3D Finite Element Model of Dynamic Material Behaviors for Multilayer Ultrasonic Metal Welding," Journal of Manufacturing Processes, SME, 62, p. 302–312.
  19. Samanta, A., Huang, W., Chaudhry, H., Wang, Q., Shaw, S., and Ding, H., 2020, “Design of Chemical Surface Treatment for Laser Textured Metal Alloys to Achieve Extreme Wetting Behavior,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12 (15), p. 18032-18045.
  20. Samanta, A., Wang, Q., Shaw, S. and Ding, H., 2020, “Roles of Chemistry Modification for Laser Textured Metal Alloys to Achieve Extreme Surface Wetting Behaviors”, Materials & Design, 192, p. 08744.
  21. Samanta, A., Wang, Q., Singh, G., Ratner, A., Shaw, S., Toor, F., and Ding, H., 2020, “Nanosecond Pulsed Laser Processing Turns Engineering Metal Alloys Antireflective and Superwicking,” Journal of Manufacturing Processes, SME, 54(1), p. 28-37.
  22. Wang, Q., Samanta, A., Shaw, S., Hu, H. and Ding, H., 2020, “Nanosecond Laser-based High-throughput Surface Nanostructuring (nHSN)”, Applied Surface Science, 507(1), p. 145136.
  23. Wang, Q., You, H., Lowery, Z., Li, S., Fu, H., Wang, R., Lamuta, C., Toor, F., Wu, W., Ratner, A., and Ding, H., 2020, " An Innovative Laser Metasurface Fabrication Technique for Fabrication of Highly Flexible Transparent Conducting Heater," Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing, 8(1), p. 010901.
  24. Wang, Q., Gao, B., Raglione, M., Wang, H., Li, B., Toor, F., Arnold, M., and Ding, H., 2019, “Design, Fabrication and Modulation of THz Bandpass Metamaterials,” Laser & Photonics Reviews, 13(11), 1900071.  This review article was featured as the Frontispiece of this journal for its November 2019 issue.
  25. Wang, Q., Li, B., Jin, X., Raglione, M., Toor, F., Arnold, M., and Ding, H., 2019, “High Throughput Laser Process of Transparent Conducting Surfaces for Terahertz Bandpass Ultrathin Metamaterials,” Scientific Reports, 9(1), p. 3083.
  26. Liu, Y., Zhang, Z., Hu, H., Hu, H., Samanta, A., Wang, Q. and Ding, H., 2019, "An experimental study to characterize a surface treated with a novel laser surface texturing technique: Water repellency and reduced ice adhesion," Surface and Coatings Technology, 374, pp. 634-644.
  27. Wang, Q., Samanta, A., Toor, F., Shaw, S., and Ding, H., 2019, "Colorizing Hydrophobic Ti-6Al-4V Surface via High-Throughput Laser Surface Nanostructuring," Journal of Manufacturing Processes, SME, 43, pp. 70-75.
  28. Samanta, A., Xiao, S., Shen, N., Li, J., and Ding, H., 2019, “Atomistic Simulation of Diffusion Bonding of Dissimilar Materials Undergoing Ultrasonic Welding,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 103(1), pp. 879-890.
  29. Heiderscheit, T., Shen, N., Wang, Q., Samanta, A., Wu, B., and Ding, H., 2019, “Keyhole Cutting of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer using a Long-Duration Nanosecond Pulse Laser,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 120, pp. 101-109.
  30. Samanta, A., Wang, Q., Shaw, S., and Ding, H., 2019, “Nanostructuring of laser textured surface to achieve superhydrophobicity on engineering metal surface”, Journal of Laser Applications, 31 (2), pp. 022515.
  31. Wang, Q., Li, B., Toor, F., and Ding, H., 2019, “Novel laser-based metasurface fabrication process for transparent conducting surfaces”, Journal of Laser Applications, 31 (2), pp. 022505.
  32. Abdi Behnagh, R., Samanta, A., Aghamohammadpour, M., Esmailzadeh, P., and Ding, H., 2019, "Predicting Microstructure Evolution for Friction Stir Extrusion using a Cellular Automaton Method," Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 27(3), p. 035006.
  33. Ansari, M. A., Samanta, A., Abdi Behnagh, R., and Ding, H., 2019, "An Efficient Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian Finite Element Model for Friction Stir Processing," International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 101 (5-8), pp. 1495-1508. 
  34. Samanta, A., Wang, Q., and Ding, H., 2018, “A Novel Selective Laser Melting Process for Glass Fiber-Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites,” SME, Manufacturing Letters, 18, pp. 27-30.
  35. Li, B., Wang, Y., Huang, L., Cao, H., Wang, Q., Ren, N., and Ding, H., 2018, "Ultrasonic-vibration-assisted laser annealing of fluorine-doped tin oxide thin films for improving optical and electrical properties: Overlapping rate optimization," Ceramics International, 44(18), pp. 22225-22234.
  36. Liu, Z., Wu, B., Samanta, A., Shen, N., Ding, H., and Shin, Y., 2018, "Manufacturing of Hourglass-Shaped Through Holes with Varying Diameters at Different Depths by Dual-Pulse Laser Drilling and Laser-induced Plasma-Hole Interaction," SME, Manufacturing Letters, 16, pp. 18-22.
  37. Li, B., Wang, Y., Huang, L., Cao, H., Wang, Q., Ding, H., and Ren, N.-f., 2018, "Influences of ultrasonic vibration on morphology and photoelectric properties of F-doped SnO2 thin films during laser annealing," Applied Surface Science, 458, pp. 940-948.
  38. Wang, Y., Befekadu, G. K., Ding, H., and Hahn, D. W., 2018, "Uncertainty Quantification for Modeling Pulsed Laser Ablation of Aluminum Considering Uncertainty in the Temperature-Dependent Absorption Coefficient," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 120, pp. 515-522.
  39. Samanta, A., Shen, N., Ji, H., Wang, W., Li, J., and Ding, H., 2018, “Cellular Automaton Simulation of Microstructure Evolution for Friction Stir Blind Riveting,” Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 140(3), pp. 031016-031010. 
  40. Shen, N., Samanta, A., Wang, Q., and Ding, H., 2017, “Selective Laser Melting of Fiber-Reinforced Glass Composites,” SME, Manufacturing Letters, 14, pp. 6-9.
  41. Shen, N., Ding, H., Pu, Z., Jawahir, I. S., and Jia, T., 2017, "Enhanced Surface Integrity from Cryogenic Machining of AZ31B Mg Alloy: a Physics-based Analysis with Microstructure Prediction," Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 139(6), pp. 061012.
  42. Zhang, B., Wang, Q., Shen, N., and Ding, H., 2017, "Experimental Investigation and Numerical Analysis of Mechanical Ruling for an Aluminum Coated Diffraction Grating," Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 139(2), pp. 021003.
  43. Liu, Z., Wu, B., Samanta, A., Shen, N., Ding, H., Xu, R., and Zhao, K., 2017, “Ultrasound-assisted Water-Confined Laser Micromachining (UWLM) of Metals: Experimental Study and Time-Resolved Observation”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 245, pp. 259-269.
  44. Liu, S., Chen, S., Wang, Q., Li, Y., Zhang, H., and Ding, H., 2017, “Analysis of Plasma Characteristics and Conductive Mechanism of Laser Assisted Pulsed Arc Welding", Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 92, pp. 39-47.
  45. Shen, N., Samanta, A., Ding, H., and Cai, W., 2016, "Simulating Microstructure Evolution of Battery Tabs during Ultrasonic Welding," SME, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 23, pp. 306-314.
  46. Narvan, M., Abdi Behnagh, R., Shen, N., Besharati Givi, M. K., and Ding, H., 2016, “Shear Compaction Processing of SiC Nanoparticles Reinforced Magnesium Composites Directly from Magnesium Chips,” SME, Journal of Manufacturing Processes22, pp. 39-48.
  47. Liu, S., Li, Y., Liu, F., Zhang, H., and Ding, H., 2016, "Effects of Relative Positioning of Energy Sources on Weld Integrity for Hybrid Laser Arc Welding," Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 81, pp. 87-96.
  48. Shen, N., Ding, H., Wang, Q., and Ding, H., 2016, "Effect of Confinement on Surface Modification for Laser Peen Forming without Protective Coating," Surface and Coatings Technology, 289, pp. 194–205.
  49. Ansari, M. A., Narvan, M., Abdi Behnagh, R., Naeini, E. S., Besharati Givi, M. K., and Ding, H., 2016, "Optimization of Friction Stir Extrusion (FSE) Parameters through Taguchi Technique," Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 69(7), pp. 1351-1357.  
  50. Abdi Behnagh, R., Shen, N., Ansari, M. A., Narvan, M., Besharati Givi, M. K., and Ding, H., 2016, "Experimental Analysis and Microstructure Modeling of Friction Stir Extrusion of Magnesium Chips," Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 138(4), pp. 041008.
  51. Shen, N., Ding, H., Bowers, R., Yu, Y., Pence, C. N., Ozbolat, I., and Stanford, C. M., 2015, "Surface Micro-Patterning of Pure Titanium for Biomedical Applications via High Energy Pulse Laser Peening," Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing, 3(1), p. 011005.
  52. Malaki, M., and Ding, H., 2015, "A Review of Ultrasonic Peening Treatment," Materials & Design, 87, pp. 1072-1086.
  53. Shen, N., and Ding, H., 2014, "Physics-based microstructure simulation for drilled hole surface in hardened steel," Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 136(4), p. 044504.
  54. Liu, Z., Gao, Y., Wu, B., Shen, N., and Ding, H., 2014, "Ultrasound-assisted Water-Confined Laser Micromachining: a Novel Machining Process," SME, Manufacturing Letters, 2(4), pp. 87-90.
  55. Shayan, M., Mohammadpour, M., Malaki, M., and Ding, H., 2014, "Springback Analysis of Two-Layer Strips in Clad Cold Bimetal Bending," Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 67(6), pp. 851-859.
  56. Gao, Y., Wu, B., Liu, Z., Zhou, Y., Shen, N., and Ding, H., 2013, "Ultrasonic cavitation peening of stainless steel and nickel alloy," Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 136(1), pp. 014502-014502.
  57. Shen, N., and Ding, H., 2013, "Thermo-mechanical coupled analysis of laser-assisted mechanical micromilling of difficult-to-machine metal alloys used for bio-implant," International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 14(10), pp. 1677-1685.
  58. Pence, C. N., Ding, H., Shen, N., and Ding, H., 2013, "Experimental analysis of sheet metal micro-bending using a nanosecond pulsed laser," International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 69(1-4), pp. 319-327.
  59. Ding, H., and Shin, Y. C., 2014, "Dislocation density-based grain refinement modeling of orthogonal cutting of titanium", Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 136(4), pp. 041003-041003.
  60. Ding, H. and Shin, Y. C., 2013, "Improving machinability of high chromium wear-resistant materials via laser-assisted machining," Machining Science and Technology, 17(2), pp. 246-269.
  61. Ding, H., and Shin, Y. C., 2013, "Multi-physics modeling and simulations of surface microstructure alteration in hard turning," Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 213(6), pp. 877-886.
  62. Ding, H. and Shin, Y. C., 2013, "Improvement of machinability of Waspaloy via laser-assisted machining", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 64(1-4), pp. 475-486.
  63. Ding, H., and Shin, Y. C., 2012, "A metallo-thermomechanically coupled analysis of orthogonal cutting of AISI 1045 steel," Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 134(5), p. 051014.
  64. Ding, H., Shen, N., and Shin, Y. C., 2012, "Predictive modeling of grain refinement during multi-pass cold rolling", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 212(5), pp. 1003-1013.
  65. Ding, H. and Shin, Y. C., 2012, "Dislocation density-based modeling of subsurface grain refinement with laser-induced shock compression", Computational Materials Science, 53(1), pp. 79-88.
  66. Ding, H., Shen, N., and Shin, Y. C., 2012, "Thermal and mechanical modeling analysis of laser-assisted micro-milling of difficult-to-machine alloys", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 212(3), pp. 601-613.
  67. Ding, H., Shen, N., and Shin, Y. C., 2011, "Modeling of grain refinement in aluminum and copper subjected to cutting", Computational Materials Science, 50(10), pp. 3016-3025.
  68. Ding, H., Shen, N., and Shin, Y. C., 2011, "Experimental evaluation and modeling analysis of micromilling of hardened H13 tool steel", Transactions of the ASME.  Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 133(4), 041007.
  69. Ding, H., and Shin, Y. C., 2010, "Laser-assisted machining of hardened steel parts with surface integrity analysis", International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 50(1), pp. 106-114.
  70. Luo, J., Ding, H., and Shih, A., 2005, "Induction-heated tool machining of elastomers - Part 1: Finite difference thermal modeling and experimental validation", Machining Science and Technology, 9, pp. 547-565.
  71. Luo, J., Ding, H., and Shih, A., 2005, "Induction-heated tool machining of elastomers - Part 2: Chip morphology, cutting forces, and machined surfaces", Machining Science and Technology, 9, pp. 567-588.


  1. Ding, H., Huang, W., Ratner, A., Ding “Laser Enhancement of Edge Coatings (LEEC) Method for Battery System Applications”, Invention Disclosure filed in March 2024; U.S. Provisional Patent filed in Nov. 2024. 
  2. Ding, H., Huang, W., Ratner, A., “Laser-Assisted Synthesis from Ore Reduction (LASOR) for Additive Manufacturing with Hydrogen as Reducing Agent”, Invention Disclosure filed on Feb. 6, 2024; U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 63/563,157 filed on March 8, 2024. 
  3. Ding, H., Wang, Q., Samanta, A., Shen, N., “Nanosecond Laser-based High-throughput Surface Nano-structuring (nHSN) Process,” Provisional U.S. Patent Serial No. 62/547,999, Filed on Aug. 21, 2017. U.S. Utility Patent 16/107,496, Filed on Aug. 21, 2018. 


  4. Flynn, R., Xia, J., Waldron, T., Kim, Y., Allen, B., Wears, B., and Ding, H., "System and method for an intensity modulated radiation therapy device," U.S. Patent No. US 10,617,885 B2, Date of Patent: Apr. 14, 2020. Link
  5. Ding, H., Wang, Q., “Transparent Conducting Surfaces for Terahertz Bandpass Metamaterials and Uses Thereof,” Provisional U.S. Patent Serial No. 62/791,291, Filed on Jan. 11, 2019.  U.S. Utility Patent 16/740,024, Filed on Jan. 10, 2020. Patent No. US 11,808,961 B2, Date of Patent: 11/07/2023. Link
  6. Ding, H., Samanta, A., Huang, W., “Method for Maskless Patterning of Metal Alloys,” Invention Disclosure filed on July 30, 2020. Provisional Patent filed on August 2, 2021.  U.S. Patent Application No. 17/879,385 filed on August 2, 2022. Patent No. US 12,138,657 B2, Date of Patent: 11/12/2024. Link

Conference Proceedings

  1. Wang, Q.*, Samanta, A.* (Co-first Author), Hailu, A., Shaw, S.K., and Ding, H., 2020, “Fabrication of mechanically enhanced superhydrophobic surface using nanosecond laser-based high-throughput surface nanostructuring (nHSN),” 5th CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity, Procedia CIRP, 1st E-conference, June 1-5, 2020. Link
  2. Jana, S., Zhu, Z., Eagelhard, M., Edwards, D., Rohatgi A., and Ding, H., 2020, “Improved Corrosion Resistance of a Commercial Mg Alloy through Laser Assisted Surface Processing,” 149th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, February 23-27, 2020, San Diego, CA, USA.
  3. Wang, Q., Gao, B., Toor, F., Arnold, M., and Ding, H., 2020, "Laser process of transparent conducting surfaces for terahertz bandpass ultrathin metamaterials," SPIE Photonics West 2020, Paper No. 11268-15, February 1-6, 2020, San Francisco, CA, USA. Link
  4. Samanta, A., Wang, Q., Shaw, S. K., and Ding, H., 2019, “Laser Chemical Processes to Tune Metal Surface Wettability,” Society of Engineering Science 56th Annual Technical Meeting (SES 2019), October 13-15, St. Louis, MO, USA.
  5. Wang, Q., Lamuta, C., Toor, F., Arnold, M., and Ding, H., 2019, “Laser-based Metamaterial Fabrication of Flexible THz Optics,” Society of Engineering Science 56th Annual Technical Meeting (SES 2019), October 13-15, St. Louis, MO, USA.
  6. You, H., Lowery, Z.*(Co-first author), Wang, Q.*(Co-first author), Wang, R., Lamuta, C., Toor, F., Wu, W., Ratner, A., and Ding, H., 2019, "A Novel Laser Patterning Process for Highly Flexible Transparent Conducting Heater," 3rd World Congress on Micro and Nano Manufacturing, Paper No. 35, September 10-12, 2019, Raleigh, NC, USA.
  7. Samanta, A., Wang, Q., Shaw, S. K., Toor, F., and Ding, H., 2019, “Laser-silanization nanostructuring process for superwicking metal surfaces,” The 8th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing (LAMP), May 21-24, 2019, Hiroshima, Japan.
  8. Wang, Q., Samanta, A., Shaw, S., Toor, F., and Ding, H., 2019, “Colorizing Hydrophobic Ti-6Al-4V Surface via High-Throughput Laser Surface Nanostructuring,” Procedia Manufacturing, Proceedings of the 47th SME North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC), Paper No. 191, June 10-14, 2019, Erie, PA, USA. 
  9. Samanta, A., Wang, Q., Singh, G., Shaw, S., Toor, F., Ratner, A., and Ding, H., 2019, “Nanosecond Pulsed Laser Processing Turns Engineering Metals Antireflective and Superwetting,” Procedia Manufacturing, Proceedings of the 47th SME North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC), Paper No. 190, June 10-14, 2019, Erie, PA, USA. Link
  10. Wang, Q., Li, B., Toor, F., and Ding, H., 2018, “A Novel Laser Surface Patterning Process for Fabrication of Transparent Conducting Ultra-thin Metal Film,” Paper #M506, Proceedings of the 2018 International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO), October 14-18, 2018, Orlando, FL, USA. Link
  11. Samanta, A., Wang, Q., Shaw, S., and Ding, H., 2018, “Enhancement of laser textured surface nanostructuring to achieve superhydrophobicity on engineering metal surface,” Paper #P129, Proceedings of the 2018 International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO), October 14-18, 2018, Orlando, FL, USA. Link
  12. Samanta, A., Shen, N., Ji, H., Wang, W., Ding, H. and Li, J.,  2017, “Simulations of Microstructure Evolution during Friction Stir Blind Riveting using a Cellular Automaton Method,” Proceedings of the ASME 2017 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, MSEC2017-3034, June 4-8, 2017, Los Angeles, California, USA. Link
  13. Shen, N., Samanta, A., and Ding, H., 2017, “Microstructure Simulations for Orthogonal Cutting via a Cellular Automaton Model,” 16th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations, Procedia CIRP, Cluny, Burgundy, France, June 15-16, 2017. Link
  14. Shen, N., Samanta, A., Ding, H., and Cai, W. W., 2016, “Simulating Microstructure Evolution of Ultrasonic Welding of Battery Tabs,” Procedia Manufacturing, Proceedings of the 44th SME North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC), June 27 – July 1, 2016, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA. Link
  15. Wang, Q., Shen, N., Zhang, B., and Ding, H., 2016, “Mechanical Ruling of Diffraction Grating – Part II: Experimental Investigation and Numerical Simulation,” Proceedings of the ASME 2016 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, MSEC2016-8715, June 27 – July 1, 2016, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA. Link
  16. Wang, Q., Zhang, B., Shen, N., and Ding, H., 2016, “Mechanical Ruling of Diffraction Grating – Part I: Aluminum Film Preparation and Characterization,” Proceedings of the ASME 2016 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, MSEC2016-8713, June 27 – July 1, 2016, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA. Link
  17. Shen, N., and Ding, H., 2016, “Microstructure Prediction for Cryogenic Cutting Using a Physics-based Material Model,” 3rd CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity, Procedia CIRP, 45, pp. 107–110. Link
  18. Behnagh, R. A., Shen, N., Abdollahi, M., and Ding, H., 2016, “Ultrafine-Grained Surface Layer Formation of Aluminum Alloy 5083 by Friction Stir Processing,” 3rd CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity, Procedia CIRP, 45, pp. 243–246. Link
  19. Shen, N., and Ding, H., 2016, “Surface Integrity Analysis of Laser Peen Micro-bending without Protective Coating,” 3rd CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity, Procedia CIRP, 45, pp. 315–318. Link
  20. Shen, N., and Ding, H., "Cryogenic Cutting of AZ31B-O Mg Alloy for Improved Surface Integrity – Part I: Material Modeling," Proceedings of the 2015 ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, MSEC2015-9323, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, June 8-12, 2015. Link
  21. Shen, N., Ding, H., and Gao, J., "Cryogenic Cutting of AZ31B-O Mg Alloy for Improved Surface Integrity – Part II: Physics-based Process Modeling of Surface Microstructural Alteration," Proceedings of the 2015 ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, MSEC2015-9324, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, June 8-12, 2015. Link
  22. Shen, N., Pence, C. N., Bowers, R., Yu, Y., Ding, H., Stanford, C. M., and Ozbolat, I., "Surface Micro-scale Patterning for Biomedical Implant Material of Pure Titanium via High Energy Pulse Laser Peening," Proceedings of the 2014 ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, MSEC2014-4181, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Detroit, MI, USA, June 9-13, 2014. Link
  23. Ding, H., Shen, N., Li, K., Bo, W., Pence, C. N., and Ding, H., "Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Laser Peen Forming Mechanisms of Sheet Metal," Proceedings of the 2014 ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, MSEC2014-4210, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Detroit, MI, USA, June 9-13, 2014. Link
  24. Shen, N., Ding, H., and Li, W., "Predictive modeling of surface microstructure of hardened steel subject to drilling," Proceedings of the 2013 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, IMECE2013-64499, San Diego, CA, USA, November 15-21, 2013. Link
  25. Ding, H., and Shin, Y. C., "A metallo-thermo-mechanically coupled analysis of orthogonal cutting of AISI 1045 steel," Proc. 2012 ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. Link
  26. Ding, H., Shen, N., and Shin, Y. C., "Experimental and modeling analysis of micro-milling of hardened H13 tool steel," Proc. 2011 ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering ConferenceLink
  27. Ding, H. and Shin, Y. C., "Dislocation density-based grain refinement modeling of orthogonal cutting of commercially pure titanium," ASME Best Paper Award at the 2011 ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference in Corvallis, Oregon. Link

Book Chapters

  1. Ding, H., Shen, N., Samanta, A., and Cai, W., 2017, “Chapter 7. Microstructure Evolution and Physics-based Modeling” in Book entitled “Ultrasonic Welding of Lithium-Ion Batteries”, DOI:10.1115/1.861257, Editor: Wayne W. Cai, ASME Press, New York, NY. Link
  2. Shen, N., and Ding, H., 2018, “Advanced Repairing of Composite Wind Turbine Blades and Advanced Manufacturing of Metal Gearbox Components,” in Book entitled “Advanced Wind Turbine Technology”, Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 219–245. Link

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